Smoke 'Em If You Have 'Em 2022 Shows

< Smoke 'Em If You Have 'Em

31st December 2022Smoke Em GenericHappy New Year

29th December 2022Smoke Em GenericUnexpected Live

25th December 2022Smoke Em GenericMerry Christmas

22nd December 2022Smoke Em GenericSmoke 'Em Chrimbo Special Part 2

22nd December 2022Smoke Em GenericSmoke 'Em Chrimbo Special

19th December 2022Smoke Em GenericBig Moves Coming

13th December 2022Smoke Em GenericEnglish Eyes: A Smoke 'Em Special

11th December 2022Smoke Em Generic

6th December 2022Smoke Em GenericThe 15 minute city is real, and other tales

5th December 2022Smoke Em GenericUnscheduled Smoke Em, brief catch up

4th December 2022Smoke Em Generic 

2nd December 2022Smoke Em GenericThe Death of a nation

1st December 2022Smoke Em GenericCBDC and the rainbow Trojan horse

29th November 2022Smoke Em GenericUnscheduled Smoke 'Em 

28th November 2022Smoke Em GenericUnscheduled Smoke 'Em 

27th November 2022A Gathering Darkness 

24th November 2022Just a sit. rep.Just a sit. rep. unscheduled Smoke 'Em 

22nd November 2022Major escalations Worldwide...Major escalations Worldwide... 

20th November 2022The Race to the Bottom 

18th November 2022The curious case of the S300The curious case of the S300

15th November 2022Peace in our time ? The curious case of TTXPeace in our time? The curious case of TTX 

13th November 2022I see bad moons rising 

11th November 2022Wars and Rumours of WarsWars and Rumours of Wars 

10th November 2022It's an ill wind...It's an ill wind

9th November 2022The empire strikes back and other talesThe empire strikes back and other tales 

7th November 2022Lies, Lies and Damned LiesLies, Lies and Damned Lies 

6th November 2022The Clock is Ticking 

5th November 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em

4th November 2022Charlie is having a party - Take 2Charlie is having a party - Take 2 

4th November 2022Charlie is having a partyCharlie is having a party 

3rd November 2022Smoke 'EmSmoke 'Em

2nd November 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmUnscheduled Smoke Em

1st November 2022It's all done but the dying... unscheduled Smoke EmIt's all done but the dying... unscheduled Smoke Em

31st October 2022Smoke Em unscheduledSmoke Em unscheduled

30th October 2022this is now the state of Global Politics 

29th October 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em 

27th October 2022Smoke 'Em Update and Audience Q&A 

24th October 20224 seconds from midnight Smoke 'Em4 Seconds from Midnight Smoke 'Em 

24th October 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmUnscheduled Smoke Em 

23rd October 2022 Once upon a time in the wild west and other tales Once upon a time in the wild west and other tales 

22nd October 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmUnscheduled Smoke Em 

20th October 2022The Crystal ball strikes again and other tales.....Smoke Em timeThe Crystal ball strikes again and other tales.....Smoke Em time 

19th October 2022Armageddon speaks, Putin imposes Marshall law. The West panicsArmageddon speaks, Putin imposes Marshall law. The West panics 

18th October 2022Work a day unscheduled Smoke EmWork a day unscheduled Smoke Em 

17th October 2022Behind The Curtain Smoke Em TimeBehind the Curtain smoke Em Time 

16th October 2022Brace for Enemy Contact

15th October 2022Yet another unscheduled smoke emYet another unscheduled smoke em 

13th October 2022Stop the Pigeon - Smoke Em TimeStop the Pigeon - Smoke Em Time 

12th October 2022Quick UnscheduledQuick Unscheduled 

10th October 2022it's Called a Gypsy's WarningIt's Called a Gypsy's Warning 

9th October 2022A Bridge Too Far

7th October 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em

5th October 2022The Darkest HourThe Darkest Hour 

3rd October 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em

2nd October 2022In the Shadow of WinterIn the Shadow of Winter

22nd September 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em 

20th September 2022Unscheduled Smoke 'EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em 

18th September 2022Smoke 'Em Questions 

16th September 2022Quick UnscheduledQuick Unscheduled 

14th September 2022UnscheduledUnscheduled 

11th September 2022King of the WEF

8th September 2022And now it begins...And now it begins... 

5th September 2022What Do Protests Do ?What do Protests Do? 

4th September 2022Smoke Em TimeSmoke Em Time 

2nd September 2022The last of the summer wineThe last of the summer wine 
30th August 2022I've a very bad feelingI've a very bad feeling
28th August 2022This winter nobody will hear you scream 
25th August 2022Are you enjoying your free subscription to 1984? Your full package is on its way this winter 
21st August 2022Operation Dark Winter is Coming 
21st August 2022Operation Dark Winter is Coming 
18th August 2022Full Spectrum VictoryFull Spectrum Victory
14th August 2022Scream if you want to go Faster 
9th August 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmAnother Unscheduled Smoke 'Em' 
7th August 2022The Lull before the Storm 
4th August 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmSmoke 'Em Unscheduled  
1st August 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmWTF Another Unscheduled  
31st July 2022Who do you think you are kidding 
28th July 2022Unscheduled Smoke EmUnscheduled Smoke 'Em  
24th July 2022The 50 Seconds Which Changed The World 
16th July 2022The Money Pit 
10th July 2022History Repeating 
3rd July 2022That 1937 Moment 
29th June 2022Unscheduled BroadcastUnscheduled Broadcast 
26th June 2022Which List are you on ? 
19th June 2022Is it pinching yet 
11th June 2022Nazis, The New World Order and The Rise of AI 
29th May 2022Oh You Doubting Thomas's 
22nd May 2022Mayan Special 
8th May 2022 - Part2On The Eve Of War 
8th May 2022 - Part1Placeholder image 
17th April 2022Smoke Em MemeThere WILL be a nuclear exchange 
14th April 2022 - Part 2Smoke Em MemeAu Revoir Part 2 
14th April 2022 - Part 1Smoke Em MemeAu Revoir Part 1 
7th April 2022Smoke Em MemeSmoke 'Em 7th April
31st March 2022Full Global Briefing 

27th March 2022Smoke Em MemeSmoke 'Em Extra 

20th March 2022Smoke Em MemeSpecial Report 
17th March 2022Smoke Em MemeSmoke 'Em Time 
10th March 2022 - Take TwoSmoke Em 100322 
10th March 2022Smoke Em 100322 
5th March 2022Smoke Em MemeBasic tips if the lights go out
3rd March 2022Smoke Em Meme 
2nd March 2022Smoke Em MemeUnscheduled tactical update 
24th February 2022Smoke Em 240222 
18th February 2022Smoke Em Meme 
17th February 2022Smoke Em Meme 

12th February 2022Smoke Em MemeDefcom 1 - A last jacobite emergency broadcast 

11th February 2022Smoke Em Meme 
10th February 2022Smoke Em 100222 
3rd February 2022Smoke Em 030222 
27th January 2022Smoke Em MemeDon't Look Up