The Last Jacobites International 

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24th December 2023A Christmas Carol 
17th December 2023The Year in Review 
10th December 2023What's the real plan ? & What I didn't get to before 
3rd December 2023In Dublin's fair city 
26th November 2023 Part 2Gaza to Ireland... Unanswered Questions 
26th November 2023Gaza to Ireland... Unanswered Questions 
19th November 2023Roll of Dishonour 
12th November 2023The Undiscovered Country 
5th November 2023Remember, Remember... A world before Apathy 
29th October 2023In the middle is Silence 
22nd October 2023Fun with Flags 
15th October 2023Don't make me repeat myself - History 
8th October 2023U-Turns, Distractions or Direction Change 
1st October 2023Acceptance... By Degrees 
24th September 2023Escalation towards Annihilation 
17th September 2023Are You Happy yet ? 
10th September 2023Que Sera Sera 
3rd September 2023In Step 
27th August 2023What's next on the cards 
20th August 2023Truth on the Ropes ! 
13th August 2023Please, Please, please, just ... Stop 
6th August 2023Linguistics, Lyrics and Laughter 
30th July 2023now the Maths don't work It just makes things worse 
23rd July 2023Artificial Intelligence 
16th July 2023Follow the Money 
9th July 2023The 21st Century is when everything Changes... And you weren't ready 
2nd July 2023Stop Fighting Yesterday's War ... Fight Today's 
25th June 2023 
18th June 2023The Man from the Daily Mail, The Missing Question & Toxic Positivity 
11th June 2023The Fragility of Power 
4th June 2023A Change of Tact ? 
28th May 2023Labels 
21st May 2023Trial by Media 
14th May 2023The Lies of the Silver Screen 
7th May 2023Psallam Spiritu Et Mente 
30th April 2023Truth, Damned Truth and Conspiracies 
23rd April 2023Alerts, Interference and Itineraries 
16th April 2023Walk and Talk 
9th April 2023Must be a slow news Day 
2nd April 2023What Time is it Now 
26th March 2023Human Nature, Apathy, and Reverse Psychology 
19th March 2023Won't somebody please think of the children !! 
12th March 2023Faded Grandeur, Rumour and Rapture 
5th March 2023Silence and Fear; the Price of Apathy 
26th February 2023Covid & beyond - from the inside looking out, Northern Ireland Protocol, Food Shortages and George Washington's Pappy 
19th February 2023The Power of the Nudge 
12th February 2023The Map is Changing 
5th February 2023Who's Future are we Building ? 
29th January 2023Dig Deep for Victory 
22nd January 2023Rather the Uncomfortable Truth 
15th January 2023Weapons of Mass Distraction 
8th January 2023Release the Kraken ... 
1st January 2023It's the final countdown