Through English Eyes

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Through English Eyes: Counting the Cost - 6th June 2023
6th June 2023Counting the costs ... 
30th May 2023AI woulda, coulda, shoulda ... 
23rd May 2023Hang on a minute lads ... 
16th May 2023Free Speech, Hate Speech and Propaganda 
9th May 2023Power and Authority 
2nd May 2023A tale of Two Acts ... 
18th April 2023Food, Glorious Food ... 
11th April 2023And finally ... 
4th April 2023Let Folly be our cloak ... 
28th March 2023Know Thy Enemy !! 
21st March 2023The root of all evil ... 
14th March 2023Jacobites Connect 
7th March 2023Truth and Dare 
28th February 2023That Angrier World !! 
21st February 2023The Truth is Behind Us ! 
14th February 2023The Weather, the War, and the Whistleblower 
7th February 2023All Change ... 
31st January 2023English Eyes GenericJacobites Connect
24th January 2023Fuck it All 2 
17th January 2023United we stand ! ... in a divided world 
10th January 2023Choosing Two Teams... from one side 
3rd January 2023Self praise no recommendation 
27th December 2022New World Resolutions 
20th December 2022English Eyes GenericGreat Resetopoly 
13th December 2022English Eyes GenericA Smoke 'Em Special 
6th December 202215 Minutes to Slavery 
29th November 2022And Call Off Christmas 
22nd November 2022We don't need another hero 
15th November 2022The Blame Game 
8th November 2022The Blame Game 
2nd November 2022The Choice is Yours 
25th October 2022The Propaganda War Continues 
18th October 2022Breakfast On the Bastion 
11th October 2022What a tangled web we weave ... 
4th October 2022The Camera never lies 
27th September 2022Poli-tricks 
20th September 2022Check ... 
13th September 2022Happy and Glorious ... Arrests, Treatment Cancellations and RedundanciesHappy and Glorious 
6th September 2022All Change ? 
30th August 2022Knowledge is Power 
23rd August 2022Through Scottish/English Eyes Karen taking over tonight.Through Scottish Eyes. 
16th August 2022The depths of the deception 
9th August 2022Is it adding up yet ? 
2nd August 2022The Flight tracked around the world 
26th July 2022Doublespeak Abounds 
19th July 2022Que sera, sera ... But Be Ready 
12th July 2022Cue the presses... 
5th July 2022Healthy, Wealthy & Wise 
28th June 2022On the slippery slope 
21st June 2022What Are They Warning Us Now ? 
14th June 2022They Can't Hide It Anymore, But They Can't Stop 
7th June 2022They Always Tell Us 
31st May 2022Dis-Information or How You Join the Dots 
24th May 2022Why Does It Never Add Up 
17th May 2022 
10th May 2022Never Give Up! 
3rd May 2022Are You? 
26th April 2022Living in the Crosshairs 
19th April 2022Where do we go from here ? 
12th April 2022in risu veritas 

5th April 2022Time to cut the strings 

29th March 2022Lights, Camera, Action ... 
22nd March 2022The Antithesis of Control 
15th March 2022While you were distracted 
8th March 2022Power, Authority and the illusion of choice 
1st March 2022In the Middle is Truth- Take 2 
22nd February 2022The Propaganda Game: War Edition 
15th February 2022Move and Counter Move 
8th February 2022Power - Corruption - Lies